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How to Do a Background Check UK

More people are starting to understand the need for private investigator background checks in their lives. However, not enough people know how to get these services or who to contact when they need these services. This puts them at risk of being scammed by unscrupulous individuals posing as professional private investigators.

What Is The Purpose Of A Background Check?

When you enter any kind of relationship with another person or business entity, you assume a certain amount of risk. This risk can be:

  • Safety and security
  • Legal liability
  • Potential monetary loses etc.

Because of such risks and many others, many people will want to minimize the amount of risk that they assume when they enter a personal or business relationship with someone else. The best way to do this is by finding out as much relevant information as possible.

It's likely that if someone poses some sort of risk to you or your organization, there are incidents in their past that can alert you to the existence of these risks. Therefore, people ask private investigators to carry out background checks, so they can minimize such risks.

What Information Will You Provide Before Background Checks?

Typically, only the most basic information is required to initiate the private investigator background check. The investigator will usually need the person's name and contact details. Contact details are required so the private investigator can get consent from the subject of the investigation e.g. tenant, potential employee etc. It's also not unusual for the private investigator to ask for the person's address and their current place of work. For example, if the subject is a tenant, this allows the investigator to follow up with their employer to establish if the person is indeed their employee.

If the background check requires verification of certain information e.g. in an application or resume, the information to be verified will also need to be provided to the private investigator.

What Happens During A Background Check?

The first step in many background checks is getting in touch with the subject of the investigation to get their consent. Once the investigator has the person's consent, they can use it to access the relevant files which may be financial records, medical records and other information.

The private investigator can also visit offices to access information that is in the public domain e.g. criminal records, marriage records etc. Sometimes, the check can be as simple as going through someone's social media pages.

How Long Do Private Investigators Take To Complete Background Checks?

The amount of time it takes a private investigator to complete a background check will depend on certain factors. These include:

  • The type of records needed: Getting financial records can be done in a few hours while it can take up to 8 weeks to complete a criminal background check.
  • Compliance of other entities: A private investigator may need to get information from current and past employers, previous landlords, spouses etc. The speed with which these individuals comply will affect the time required to finish the investigation.
  • Accessibility of the information: Getting information from certain entities or locations can be difficult or impossible e.g. getting criminal records from other countries etc.

Therefore, even a straightforward background check can take a professional investigator anywhere from a few hours to several weeks to complete.

What Information Will A Background Check Reveal?

Private investigators don't perform background checks to reveal every little piece of hidden information about your life. However, they will be interested in hidden information that can affect your personal or business relationship with the person who requested the background check.

For example, here are a few entities and information that may interest them:

  • Landlords: A history of late rent payments, unpaid utility bills, damage to property, a nuisance to neighbours etc.
  • Employer: Inaccurate information in the resume, a criminal record that creates a conflict of interest, poor performance on previous jobs etc.
  • Potential spouse: Previously undisclosed relationships, a criminal record, financial insecurity etc.
  • Prospective Business Partner: Inflated valuation, unethical business practices etc.

All this means that the information revealed is often that which is relevant to the person or entity that asks for the private investigator background check.

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