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Does Civil Recovery Appear On Background Checks?

Because a lot of people are not yet familiar with how private investigators perform background checks, they don't know what is likely to show up when a private detective performs such checks. As a result, many people are afraid of consenting to private investigator background checks because they fear that they may reveal certain things about them.

One thing that people are unsure of is civil recovery. Many people have received letters for civil recovery after something as simple as shoplifting and are unaware if this will affect their future employment prospects in case private detectives comes across them.

What Is Civil Recovery?

Civil recovery is a method used to recover proceeds of a crime. However, this method doesn't involve any police action or prosecutors.

Quite often, the supposed victim of the crime will have an agent to send a letter demanding compensation for the damage caused. Police action isn't necessary for a civil demand to be made. These demands are usually made before a lawsuit is filed in a civil court.

For example, a shop owner can demand compensation from someone caught shoplifting. They can also be used in more serious cases such as organized crime and money laundering.

Does Civil Recovery Appear In Background Checks

It is highly unlikely that a civil recovery will appear in any private investigator background check. This is because no police action is taken against the individual. It's only when some police action is taken e.g. if a caution is issued, that the matter is going to appear in an enhanced DBS check.

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