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How Are Background Checks Done?

There is more than one way to perform a background check. There are many different types of background checks and different types of clients who need these checks.

Additionally, each type of case is different in one or two ways. The end result is that investigators will need to decide how they'll proceed with the background check based on the information provided at the start of the investigation. It's also important to remember that there are factors that can limit what methods can be used by private investigators conducting background checks and who information they can access.

Who Can Perform A Background Check?

Usually, anyone with a legitimate interest in finding out about you can carry out a background check. They can either do this themselves or hire private investigators to do this for them.

Persons or entities that are known to perform background checks include:

  • Employers
  • Landlords
  • Business partners
  • Roommates
  • Romantic partners and spouses etc.

Although these individuals can do some checks by themselves, they will be limited by lack of skill and experience. Many will not know where to look or what to look for, and they can be easily overwhelmed by the amount of available information.

What Initial Information Will An Investigator Need Before The Check Starts?

Any investigation must have a starting point.

In the case of a background check, the starting point is usually providing the private investigator with the details of the subject of the investigation. This is usually:

  • The name of the subject
  • Address of the subject
  • The workplace of the subject

Consent from the subject of the investigation is necessary for many of these background checks. For example, if an employer is hiring a third party i.e. private investigator, they'll need the consent of the employee.

In other cases, the client will need to show a legitimate interest. For example, someone who is planning to get married has a legitimate interest to have a background check performed.

What Resources Can Be Used In A Background Check

The resources used vary depending on the nature of the investigation. Some of the commonly used resources in background checks include:

  • Internet searches
  • Government and public records
  • Private records and databases
  • Transportation etc.

Resources such as transportation may be needed if the private investigator will be going around interviewing people.

What Information Can Background Checks Reveal?

Contrary to popular belief, background checks don't open up every aspect of an individual's life. In fact, unless the check is being carried out by the government or security agencies, the checks are usually restricted to specific areas. For example, an employer may not find out if their employee has a criminal record if the record is spent.

However, if the employee is being interviewed for a security-related role, there may be an exception issued by the Disclosure and Barring Service that tells the employer the person in question isn't suited for that role. In most cases, the information revealed will be that which the client has a legitimate interest in finding out, and that which is found in records that the employee has consented to be reviewed.

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