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How Banks Investigate Debit Card Fraud?

Many people who are dealing with debit card fraud wonder how banks and other companies do to investigate a fraud case. It is important to note that in case you suspect that someone else is using your debit card, the first thing you should do is to notify the bank of the fraud. Once the bank is notified and verifies the fraud, they start the debit card fraud investigation process.

Normally, in banks, they have internal fraud investigators who will carry out a fraud investigation and reach a conclusion. On top of that, banks have a maximum of 90 days to conduct the investigation and solve the problem. During the inspection, the fraud investigators will locate the origin of the fraud and the responsible for it.

How Do They Find The Information?

Fraud investigators can locate the information they need in order to solve the case by making use of investigative tools and electronic transaction trails so they can find out who is the individual who committed the fraud, when they did it and the location of the fraudulent purchases. In case the bank and fraud investigators find necessary, they will contact law enforcement or the FBI to help them with the investigation by finding more details or even to assume the case.

What Happens In The Investigation?

In order for the investigation to begin, it is essential that the client notifies the bank about the fraud and also provide them with a statement, which should contain the accurate amount involved, when it happened and why you believe that the charge is fraudulent. Once the bank verifies the fraud, the bank�s fraud investigators start the investigation.

Fraud investigators make use of investigative tools and tracks the electronic transactions to locate the origin of the unauthorised purchases. In some cases, depending on the extent and nature of the fraudulent transactions, the bank may inform law enforcement.

On top of that, in case the fraud also comes with identity theft, the bank might also trigger the FBI so they can investigate the case or provide the fraud investigators with assistance. In addition, the bank should inform the cardholder of the investigation result and conclusion. Also, the cardholder can ask for copies of any documentation the bank collected throughout the inspection.

In case you have any questions about debit card fraud, contact Private Investigator on 0800 061 4397 or at and speak with a qualified private investigator.

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